This assessment will cover the following questions:
- Tesco is among the top multinational retailer associated in offering general products.What policies and procedures are required on the ground of Tesco in order to maintain equality in workforce?
- How the existence of work-life balance and enrichment experiences impacts on the working of employees in Tesco?
- Explain the drawbacks and merits associated with the approaches of data collection and analysis?
Equality and diversity defined as to promote the fair opportunities to all with help of diversity and this gives each person a chance to work with potential, free from partiality and favouritism (Morden, 2016). Organisation leader needs to ensure that firm has the varied ways to boost equal opportunities that assist the enterprise to become the more inclusive. It is concept that termed out as the treating all employees with equal consideration.
This research study is based on business activities as Tesco, this is leading enterprise that engaged in grocery services and it is one of the largest retail sector.
Furthermore, report is based on to outline the aims and objectives on the basis of chosen topic. Therefore, methodologies will be used to carry out study effectively. Furthermore, data analysis will be collected to gather the reliable data to research. Lastly, recommendation has been given to bring equal and diversified workforce that brings competitive advancement within market.
Background to Research Topic
The present research is based on determining the impact of managing cultural diversity within the enterprise. Culture awareness can be termed out as to be as skills that understands the one reaction to people who have different behaviour (Schachner and, 2016). Additionally, managing diversity means to offer the employees with background, needs and skills that may vary widely with opportunities that allows to get engage with the company and co-workers. Therefore, aims and objectives to research outlines in following manner as-:
To explore the way that assist to manage the culture and diversity within business enterprise. A study on Tesco.
These are outlines following manner as are-
- To determine the beneficial aspects of equity and diversity on the organisation.
- To identify the measures that assist to maintain equality within the business enterprise.
- To access the impact of diverse cultural perspective that enhance the creativity and drive innovation within business enterprise.
- To provide the suggestive measures that that helps to manage the organisation culture diversity within enterprise to bring improvement in productivity and profitability.
- What are the measures that assist to maintain equality within the business enterprise.
- What is the impact of diverse cultural perspective within business enterprise.
Research Question
Key Literature Review
Diversity and equality within the workplace is vital that aids to bring reputation and growth within company. It is term that fosters the mutual respect among the colleagues of the workplace. As per the view of Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that culture diverse workforce the benefits the company by hiring wide range of skills and this assist to bring innovation and creation within the business. Organisation with the culture of diversity and inclusion can be considered as to be both happier and more productive. According to the view of Monro, (2016) stated that culturally and diverse business can highly attract the talented, ambitions and globally minded employees to undertake the business activities systematically.
In contrary to Ayling, (2018) stated that promoting equality in entity is one of the best way that aids to foster open minded and global company culture. In the today's dynamic business environment to accomplish the gender equality is said to be one of crucial factor that aids to bring competitiveness and growth to organisation. As per the view of Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that diverse and inclusive firms bring innovative results that aids to build higher productivity and profitability. Henceforth, this can be stated that the greater diversity within the workplaces leads to create profitability and value creation.
According to the view of this can be stated that diversity in the workplace is to review the exiting company policies and training then undertake steps that aids to develop and implement the work practices that helps to bring positive working atmosphere. In contrary to stated that workplace diversity defined as the division of workforce into the distinction categories that have perceived commonality within the given culture. In contrary to Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that increasing culture diversity is term that force the organisation to learn and motivate individuals with broader range of value system. In order to succeed in managing the workforce within the enterprise this is crucial to effectively contribute in the cross culture communication. According to the view of Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that manager of the enterprise needs to carefully plan and implement organisation system and practices that helps to bring competitive advancement. In contrary to Ayling, (2018) stated that workplace diversity provides strength as well as offer challenged to the organisation by assisting employees to learn from each other. Henceforth, diversity within the culture improves and develops the workplaces by developing individuals by enhancing their nature of adaptability. As per the view of Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that equality within the entity assist to create good managerial workforce that promote effective working practices. In contrary to Ashe and Nazroo, (2017) stated that equality is term that helps to create the pipeline for leadership and also ensures about the positive working. According to the view of Ayling, (2018) stated that equality and diversity is defined as to eliminate the unlawful discrimination that advances the opportunities and this also leads to promote the good relations among individuals. In order to bring the effective workplace environment this is crucial to comply with the act that needs to actively promoting the equality and diversity among the workers. Thus, one of the beneficial aspect of diversity is that the business activities cannot grow if all employees within the enterprise thinks at the same level. Diversified employees brings the innovative ideas that aids to conduct the good business activities and advanced brand reputation.
Research Methodologies
Research Philosophy-
This is first component of research. It gives a framework of how research is done. also, it depicts purpose of research. in this various philosophies is available that is realism, positivism, interpretivism, etc. Henceforth, positivism is the term that defined as an approach that relies over the scientific evidence to reveal the true nature and to gather the detailed information about the topic. On the other hand, interpretive approach helps to interpret the elements of the study and this also aids to integrates the human interest into the study. In this study, researcher will use interpretivism philosophy.
Research Approach -
It is second element which is a plan that shows how data will be gathered and interpreted (Schachner and, 2016). Through that, study is conducted in systematic manner. usually, inductive, deductive, etc. are common approaches that is applied. Henceforth, inductive approach starts with the observation and theories that aids to undertake the research in appropriate manner. On the other hand, deductive approach defined as the process that is mainly concerned with developing the hypothesis that based on exiting theory and also aids to design research plan of action to test the hypothesis of research. For present research, deductive approach will be used.
Research Strategy-
It defined as step by step action that undertake the direction to thoughts relates with research topic (Litosseliti, 2018). It enables to collect the research in systematic manner. Henceforth, research strategy classified as exploratory, descriptive etc. In order to undertake the proposed research study the researcher has used descriptive techniques to gain the elaborated information to topic of research.
Research Type -
It is termed out as logical and systematic search that aids to determine the useful information on the particular topic. In this it is evaluated that what type of data will be collected. It is qualitative and quantitative. In qualitative only theoretical data and info is gathered (Ledford and Gast, 2018). Whereas in quantitative, numerical data is collected along with facts and figures with the use of number of the tools as SPSS and statistical analysis etc. However, researcher will use qualitative research type. This will help in obtaining data about impact of quality and diversity in Oldham.
Data Collection -
This is known as method through which data is gathered. Data collection termed out as the process of gathering information and also aids to measure the information on the basis of targetted variables (Mackey and Gass, 2015). The element is significant in study as outcomes are based on data that is collected. besides, data must be authentic and reliable. Primary and secondary are two methods in it. Henceforth, primary analysis can be undertaken with use of framing the questionnaire that assist to gather the first hand information. On the other hand, secondary analysis can be gather with use of books, journal, articles etc. So, in present study, scholar will use primary as well as secondary method of data collection to gather the detailed information about the research topic. In this fresh data will be gathered through questionnaire.
It refers to process of selecting target people from population. there are many ways of doing sampling such as probability and non probability (Moore and Tailby, 2015). Thus, sampling is termed out as the statistical analysis that aids to undertake predetermined number of observation from the larger population. In both of them, there are some sub methods as well. In this study, random sampling will be used by researcher with use of probabilistic approach. The sample size will be 30 respondents as employees to the enterprise.
Data Analysis-
This is termed out as procedure that aids to inspect, cleansing and transforming the data to discover the useful information to research topic (Christian, Porter and Moffitt, 2016). Here, thematic analysis will be selected by scholar. It is method that mainly used in the qualitative research and this also allows to focus on examining the themes and patterns to the study. In addition to this, the good thematic analysis interprets the data in reliable and authentic manner.
Activities and Timescale
Activity |
2 days |
5. days |
3 days |
2 days |
2 days |
3 days |
3 days |
8 days |
7 days |
2 days |
Topic of research |
Key source |
Undertaking research methodologies |
Completion of proposal |
Framing of questionnaire |
Data collection |
Data analysis |
Conclusion and recommendation |
Submission |
Conduct The Primary and Secondary Research by Considering Cost, Access and Ethical Issues.
The PMP can be termed out as the useful tool as this aids to conduct the research properly. Henceforth, these are as-:
Project Scope-
It is part of project planning that is inclusive of the undertaking determination and documentation to the list of project goals (Colquitt, Lepine and Gellatly, 2017 Greene, 2019). The present research is based on topic as to managing cultural diversity within the enterprise. This is crucial to undertake detailed set of the deliverables so that research can be undertaken in detailed manner. Henceforth, this is planing phase and its inclusive of features, function, task and deadlines.
The researcher needs to assume the cost to undertake the research. Henceforth, this will be incurred in conducting planned research for new gather new knowledge and information on chosen topic of research (Nachmias, Aravopoulou and Caven, 2019). Therefore, these cos can be defined as the actual expenses that can be incurred to undertake the design and delivery of the project.
This is defined as stage that aids to analysed and developed completion for a project. At this, the each task to project gives a particular deadline that assist to accomplish the research successfully. It is defined as the third major function of the project management.
This is one of the crucial aspect of project planning that aids to put consideration on the supplies that used to produce project deliverables (Klarsfeld and, 2016). Henceforth, resource management is inclusive cost of labour, equipment that will be used to accomplish the task and overall cost of materials.
This is defined as the process that is commonly refer as scientific. It is defined as tool that aids to evaluate the quality of the research study (Schachner and, 2016). In addition to this, it can be stated that the reliability and ethnicity of the research is crucial term that helps to undertake research activities systematically.
Ethical Issues-
This provides the guidelines that aids to conduct the research responsibly and effectively (Kumar, 2019). Henceforth, the ethics means conducting the research to the higher standards that shows the reliability of research. In addition to this, ethical termed out as the code of conduct that set by business to conclude the research successfully.
Application of Analytical Tools and Analyse Research Findings.
Questionnaire 1. Do you think diversified workforce aids to enhance the profit and productiveness to the enterprise.
2. Is culture diversity is significant as this lead to enhance profitability and opportunity for workers.
3. Does diversified workforce enhance creativity and drive innovation?
4. Do you think enhancement in diversity aids to improve financial performance.
5. What are the beneficial aspect of diversified workforce.
6. What are the biggest diversity issue in the workplaces.
15. Is diversity training programme can be beneficial to organisation in manner as enhancement in productivity, retention rate and engagement.
Theme 1: Yes, Diversified Workforce Enhances The Profitability and Productivity to The Enterprise.
Do you think diversified workforce aids to enhance the profit and productiveness to the enterprise. |
Frequency |
% |
Yes |
26 |
86.67% |
No |
2 |
6.67% |
May be |
2 |
6.67% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
As per the above stated graph this can be noted that diversified workplaces helps to enhance the productiveness and profitableness. Henceforth, the total number of the respondents are 30. In this, 26 employee said yes, 2 said no and other 2 are not sure of it. Henceforth, this can be stated that diversified workforce assist to heighten the profitability and productivity.
Theme 2: Culture Diversity Enhance The Profitability and Opportunities to Workers.
2. Is culture diversity is significant as this lead to enhance profitability and opportunity for workers. |
Frequency |
% |
Yes |
28 |
93.33% |
No |
1 |
3.33% |
May be |
1 |
3.33% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
From above stated graph it has been reflected that culture diversity can be defined as tool that leads to enhance the profitability and opportunity to the workers. The total number of the respondents are 30. In this, 28 responded yes, 1 stated no and 1 is not sure of it. Henceforth, this can be stated that diversity in culture aid to heighten the profitability and opportunity for workers.
Theme 3: Diversified Workforce Increase The Creativity and Drive Innovation.
3. Does diversified workforce enhance creativity and drive innovation? |
Frequency |
% |
Yes |
27 |
90.00% |
No |
2 |
6.67% |
May be |
1 |
3.33% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
As per the above stated graph this can be stated that diversified workforce brings number of talented workforce that helps to undertake new approaches within the enterprise. Therefore, the total number of the respondents are 30. Among this, 27 stated yes, 2 stated no and 1 is not sure of it. Henceforth, this can be stated that diversified workforce to the enterprise enhances the creativity and also aids to drive the innovation.
Theme 4: Enhancement in Diversity Aids to Enhance The Financial Performance.
4. Do you think enhancement in diversity aids to improve financial performance. |
Frequency |
% |
Yes |
22 |
73.33% |
No |
5 |
16.67% |
May be |
3 |
10.00% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
Based on stated graph reflected that diversity is term that aids to hire the skilled workforce and this leads to have improvement in the financial performance. Thus, the total participants are 30. Therefore, 22 stated yes, 5 stated no and 3 has not responded anything. Henceforth, this can be stated that diversity is the tool that aids to enhance the financial performance of the enterprise by hiring the skilled workforce from varied places.
Theme 5: Diversified Workforce Assist to Enhance Innovation and Creative Approaches to Entity.
5. What are the beneficial aspect of diversified workforce. |
Frequency |
% |
Encourages innovation |
9 |
30.00% |
Creative approaches |
9 |
30.00% |
Well advanced talents |
6 |
20.00% |
Enhancement in profitability and productivity |
6 |
20.00% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
From above stated graph it has been stated that diversified workforce aids top bring systematic working performance that brings innovation and creative approaches that helps to bring positive atmosphere within enterprise. Thus, the total participants are 30. Among this, 9 stated that it aids to bring innovation, 9 said that this helps to build creative approaches, 6 stated that this bring well advanced talents and 6 stated that this aids to increase profitability and productivity.
Theme 6: Ethnic and Culture Difference is One of The Major Issue Within The Diversity.
6. What are the biggest diversity issue in the workplaces. |
Frequency |
% |
Acceptance and respect |
7 |
23.33% |
Accommodation and belief |
7 |
23.33% |
Ethnic and culture difference |
8 |
26.67% |
Language and communication |
8 |
26.67% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
Hereby, it has been stated that diversity within the workplace can bring issue and this can be inclusive of personality, culture, gender, sexual orientation etc. Henceforth, the total respondents are 30. Under this, 7 stated that diversity can lead to create the issue as acceptance and respect, 7 said this can bring issue as accommodation and belief, 8 stated that this bring the issue as ethnic and culture difference and 8 participants stated that create the issues language and communication. Henceforth, this can be stated that diversity can also creates the harmful consequence on the working of the enterprise.
Theme 7: Diversity Training Programme Helps to Enhance The Productivity and Rate of Retention.
15. Is diversity training programme can be beneficial to organisation in manner as enhancement in productivity, retention rate and engagement. |
Frequency |
% |
Yes |
25 |
83.33% |
No |
4 |
13.33% |
May be |
1 |
3.33% |
Total |
30 |
100.00% |
The above graph stated thats diversity training programmes can assist the organisation in number of the ways as enhancement in productivity, retention and engagement etc. With help of creating opportunities to guide one another within the enterprise can aids to collaborate and engage individual in the different projects. Thus, the total number of participants are 30. In this, 25 stated yes, 4 stated no and 1 is not sure about it. In addition to this, this can be stated that diversity training aids to bring effective and efficient working enterprise that helps to bring competitive advancement.
Hereby, it can be summarized that diversity within the workplace is defined as vital process for employees as this aids to build a great reputation for the enterprise. It is one of the systematic term that leads to enhance the profitability and also develops the opportunity for the workers. Henceforth, workplace diversity is one of the significant process that helps to bring productive results.
This research study is based on to access the impact of managing cultural diversity within the enterprise. Furthermore, report has outlined the aims and objectives to the given topic of research. Investigator have used varied research methodologies to undertake the proposed research study in depth and reliable manner. Lastly, researcher has undertaken the analysis and findings to collect the detailed analysis to the research.
The suggestive measures has been given on to identifies the ways that aids to boost the diverseness and inclusive work practices. These are defined in the following manner as are-:
- The managers and responsible authorises of the Tesco should take the initiatives to build the diversified work practices that aids to enhance the productivity. Henceforth, diversified and inclusion practices diverse the different talents together that working towards to accomplish the common goal to the enterprise.
- The quoted enterprise should promote the diversified work practices as this aids to enhance the employee morale and also leads to employee to perform the desire work in the more effectively and efficiently manner. It can be one of the effective way that helps to build competitive advancement within the enterprise.
- The organisation should adopt the diversity as this aids to enhance the diversity within the leadership team and this also leads to more and bring better innovative results. It isone of the effective way that aids to advanced and improved the financial performance of the enterprise.
- The quoted should take the efforts to develop the diversified work practices as this positively impacts the teamwork with help of enhancing the creativity, innovation, flexibility, productivity, information sharing approach to undertake the working of the enterprise in effective and efficient manner.
Reflect on The Effectiveness of The Method Applied in Research.
The present research topic is based on to determine the impact of managing cultural diversity within the enterprise. In order to undertake the research activities effectively researcher has used research methodologies that aids to undertake research study properly. In order to undertake the research, I have used interpretivism research philosophy as this helped me to interprets the elements to the study. On the other hand, I have used inductive research approach and this aids to undertake the observation to the proposed research study. To undertake the present research study effective I have used descriptive research study so that there can be possibility to gather the detailed information about the research topic.
Furthermore, I have used primary data collection approach to gather the first hand information from the respondents with undertaking the questionnaire survey. To undertake the proposed research study, I took the sample random technique with selecting the sample size as the 30 respondents as employees. This has been identified with the use of non- probabilistic approach. To carry out the present research study the researcher has used the qualitative approach as this is scientific technique that aids to undertake the observation that allows to collect the non-numerical data. This has been one of the effective way that has been used to undertake the research study in proper manner. Furthermore, researcher has used the approaches that aids to undertake the study in both reliable and effective manner.
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Consider Alternative Research Methodologies to Get Research Outcome.
The present research is based on to determine the impact of managing cultural diversity within the enterprise. Henceforth, research could have the use of alternative research methodologies to undertake the research in effective and efficient manner. To carry out the proposed research study, I could have used of inductive approach as this can allow to start with the observation and theories can be proposed towards to end to the process of research as a result of observation. I could have used the positivism research philosophy that is based on the natural phenomena and this can also allows to reveal the true nature that operates within the society.
To undertake the proposed research study, I could have used exploratory research design as this aids to develops the operational definition and also intended to establish the priorities that supports to improve the final outcomes to research. Furthermore, I could have used the quantitative techniques as this could aids to analyse the information with the use of the tool as SPSS, statistical analysis etc. This technique could helps to undertake the research study in depth and reliable manner. To get more details about online assignment help ask our experts.